What is Computer Graphics and define Definations.??

  Which Type Computer Graphics And Descriptions Clear About Computer Graphics Details.??    


↠ The phrase "computer Graphics" was introduced in1960 by William fetter,a graphic designer for Boeing. The field of computer Graphics developed with the emergence of computer Graphics hardware. Following is the brief overview of evolution of computer Graphics.??

 In the 1950's,output are vie teletypes,line printer,and cathode Ray tube (CRT).
Using dark and light characters,a picture can be reproduced.

 1950: Ben Laposky created the first graphic images,an oscilloscope,generated by an electronic(analog)machine. The image was produced by manipulating electronic beams and recording them onto high-speed film

  1951:UNIVAC-I: The first general purpose commercial computer,crude hardcopy devices,and line printer pictures.

  1960: William fetter coins the computer Graphics to describe new design methods.
1961 to1963 : Steve russel_spacewars, first video/computer game
-douglas Englebar -douglas mouse.??

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